MADE BY HILLPRIDE Handmade Creations
during the 1960s & '70s .

This page is brought to you by with a
Tip of the Hat to our glassie friend, Robin Cisne,
who shared these pages from a catalog with us.

We are unable to answer any questions about the items on these pages.

Above is the first page of pretty, but not original Toothick Holders.
Above are more toothpick holders that could fool even an experienced
EAPG collector who didn't know the colors originally made in some of these patterns.

Above are a few reproductions of Victorian Glass Novelties.

Had enough?  Then go back to where the
original Toothpick Holders fluorish HERE.

                                         Reissue vs. Reproduction - a Review
        In the world of glass collecting the difference in what is a repro-duction and what is a re-issue is debated quite often, especially with regard to patterns such as Recol-lection. To help clarify the issue here are some definitions we use.
        A reissue is a pattern that is produced subsequent to its first production, regardless of the time span and regardless of the maker without any changes to the original molds or plates.
       A reproduction is a copy or imitation of an original pattern which was not produced from the original molds or plates.